Thursday, 14 July 2011


Just when you thought no more fun could be had using Propellerhead's award winning music production software Reason you'd quickly be made to gasp in excitement at what their announcement of the latest installment to the series has to offer in it's delightfully colourful world of infinity rack unit heaven.

So what's new here you ask, trying to maintain an air of decorum and class..after all you've seen so many like this and have the best production tools plus Reason 5 already working away for you...well there isn't a revolution going on to be blunt but for the fact that the team at Propellerhead have decided to make you benefit from the best of two of their products from one box! The software "Record" which was introduced to us two years ago as an able to capture, edit and mixdown audio takes within the now familiar Propellerhead Studio user interface has been integrated into Reason...and there you have it!

Could it be that Reason might now be referred to as a DAW without risk of getting an elitist put down? Maybe, who knows! Reason 6 is really no different from any of the other known brands at this point, it will let you seqeunce/edit your MIDI parts, record/edit any audio required and apply any effects at the mixing stage...master bus inserts/sends and all that jazz. It still has no VST support unfortunaltely so what they give you is what you get, this isn't a bad thing to be fair as the instruments and effects units here have delivered previously and should continue to do so, the disadvantage of not having a third party plug-in support feature lies in not having those options...without this we are not limitless in creativity!

There have however been some additions to the upgrade, five to be precise and they are unleashed upon you as The Pulveriser, The Echo, The Alligator and Neptune, all of which are used for effects. The finale of the new bunch is the new look has colourful knobs that'll make you feel like a winner indeed, it's the dream you've always had of owning an SSL desk...only not quite the same.

"REASON 6" > read the full post