Monday 5 April 2010

We're Jamming....

The Friday night jam session at the London School of Sound studios is starting to become the "in" place for virtuoso musicians...and the LSS students...

Check out the links below for clips of our last sessions chaotic free-for-all. Maningrey briefly joined in before heading to the pub, suitably chastened by his inability to play more than three chords while jazz fusion mayhem and poly-rhythmic world beat surged around him...

Our producer, Str8face himself gets all jiggy as the more tcehnicaly adept members of LSS run the voodoo down:

Groovy tabla and conga rhythms spoilt by your friends hamfisted slap bass which drowns out everything good being played by the others, including the singers lovely voice...

Here's hoping for more happy sessions in a room full of sweaty men and fragrant women...



  1. Who the fuck ticked the "stupid" box? I bet you are going to vote for David Cameron arn't ya???

  2. Don't get riled up bro! Freedom of speech or freedom of "tick"....I didn't mean to be flippant about the musicians efforts, it was a fun:) Some more thorough documentation with be done of the next session and will be put up next time.
